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Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment - Vol. 40 , No. 4

2. p. 427 Analysis of Wintertime Nitrate Formation in Seoul Using Box Model Simulations
Min Seung Yeo, Ji Yi Lee, Hye Jung Shin, Eun Jung Nam, Jung Min Park, Sung Hoon Park
Vol. 40, No. 4, pp.427-444 DOI:

6. p. 477 Assessment of WHO Seasonal Ozone Standard Using Long-term Trends of Ambient Ozone in South Korea
Seung-Myung Park, Jin-Seok Han, Jun-Young Ahn, Jin-Soo Park, Dai-Gon Kim, Jung Min Park, Myungsoo Yoo, Gangwoong Lee
Vol. 40, No. 4, pp.477-485 DOI: