Aims and Scope

The Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment is the official Journal of Koran Society for Atmospheric Environment. The abbreviated title is “J. Korean Soc. Atmos. Environ.” It was launched in 1985 under the title of “Journal of Korea Air Pollution Research Association”. The title was changed to “Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment” in 1999. It is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of original researches relevant to the nature, distribution, control technology, and ecological effects of all types and forms of chemical and biological constituents as well as physical phenomena in the atmosphere and between the atmosphere and other environmental spheres. It publishes research articles, review articles, technical information, special features, and discussion and reply. Journals are scheduled to be published on the last days of February, April, June, August, October, and December each year. All articles published in this journal are indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI) of the web of Science Core Collection and DOI/Crossref.

All articles published in this journal are indexed in SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI) of the web of Science Core Collection and DOI/Crossref.